Aug 30, 2021
As the world works its way through the confronts of the Covid related economic issues, lockdowns, and health challenges, one thing has become clear.
The rich keep getting richer. They seem to do this through pandemics, through good times and bad.
And this has led a lot of people to ask why? How? What do they do...
Aug 25, 2021
The resurgence of Covid-19 across the country is causing concern.
It wasn’t that long ago that we experienced minimal, or no cases of Covid around Australia and we thought we had this Coronavirus thing licked, and all of a sudden we are confronted with lockdowns, uncertainty, and everything that goes with it.
Aug 23, 2021
Tim Ferris, #1 New York times bestselling author has written a new book - Tools of Titans.
In it, he shares the tactics, routines, and habits of billionaires, icons, and world-class performers.
You could read this great book which is well over 700 pages long or you may instead enjoy my chat today with Mark Creedon who...
Aug 18, 2021
The property industry, and investors in general, welcomed the Labor party’s announcement that they won’t change the rules of negative gearing if they got into power.
So, is this the end of the debate?
Not necessarily according to Stuart Wemyss who still has some concerns that we’re going to talk about...
Aug 16, 2021
In a time of lockdowns, thinking 40 hours ahead is sometimes a challenge.
Now try thinking 40 years ahead.
Well, that’s what the Federal Government has done when it recently released its fifth Intergenerational Report.
It has taken a 40-year view on where we’ll be in 2061 and forecasts that Australia will be older,...