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Michael Yardney Podcast

Insightful, educational and always interesting

Listen and learn from Michael Yardney, Australia’s most trusted property commentator and a group of experts as they discuss Property Investment, Success, Money and Finance to help you multiply your wealth.
While Michael is best known as a property expert, he is also Australia’s leading authority in the psychology of success and wealth creation. You’ll enjoy the way he challenges traditional finance advice with innovative ideas on real estate investing, personal finance and wealth creation. 
SUBSCRIBE NOW so you can learn a few new ideas each week in around 30 minutes.

Aug 28, 2019

Property investment is risky. But the risk isn’t what you think.

It’s not what most investors consider when they get involved in property investing. 

What most people think about risk is wrong, and what most people are being taught about risk is wrong. 

I’m going to share with you some ideas that will make you a...

Aug 26, 2019

It seems that it’s to make predictions for the property market over the next couple of years.

The predictions have grown more positive over the past few months, and I agree with that. But I don’t agree with some that are suggesting that we’re going to get a property boom.

In particular, one prediction is that the

Aug 21, 2019

Are you an entrepreneur? A business owner? Planning to get into business?

And if you’re a property investor, you really should treat it as a business. 

Today we’re going to discuss what Mark Creedon has learned as a business coach about what separates very successful entrepreneurs from people who call themselves...

Aug 19, 2019

Have you ever thought of getting involved in property development? 

More and more investors want to become property developers. 

We’re experiencing a period of lower capital growth at the moment, so investors want to “manufacture” some capital growth, want to get better rental returns, and want to get their...

Aug 14, 2019

Today’s episode is unashamedly about becoming rich and getting more money. 

I’ve often said that money’s important in those areas where it’s important and not important at all in other areas.

But any problem that can be solved by money isn’t really a problem, is it? 

So please let me show you how you can...