Aug 31, 2020
What will life be like post-COVID-19?
Even though many of us have spent weeks dreaming about the day things are going to get back to normal, it may not be as smooth sailing as some of us would like.
We can expect to see lots of changes. Your favorite café might not survive the shutdowns. You may greet friends with a...
Aug 26, 2020
Post-COVID Properties
Much of Australia’s economy is being kept on temporary life support either through the federal government’s Job Keeper and Job Seeker schemes or through loan repayment relief from the banks.
The coronavirus has really played havoc with our economy, with our lives, and with our property market....
Aug 24, 2020
Have you ever thought of getting involved in property development?
That’s what I’m going to talk about today with Bryce Yardney, director of Metropole Projects.
We’re seeing more and more people interested in property development because, in times of flatter capital growth, you’re looking to manufacture capital...
Aug 19, 2020
Do you ever secretly wish that you could achieve more with your time?
You are not alone. Most people want more from their lives but simply don’t know where to start.
Science says that only 8 percent of people actually achieve their goals.
The good news is that learning to accomplish greatness in your life is totally...
Aug 17, 2020
Taking control of your personal finances, becoming wealthy or successful in property investing, is simple, but it’s not easy.
That’s not a play on words.
It’s simple if you know how, but it’s not easy because a lot of investors make mistakes. They’re fussed about the timing and the price they’re going to pay...